The Herbal Healing Circle is a monthly meeting of souls who wish to learn and share about plant medicine in its myriad of forms. Each class will begin with a different topic and will end with questions and group discussion. There will be handouts, herbal sampling, and occasional homework. The class is located in West Roxbury, MA, unless a medicinal herb walk has been scheduled...then we'll venture out to nearby fields and hold the class outdoors. To get directions and a schedule of upcoming classes, please send me an email and I'll add you onto the mailing list. You can also check this webpage for regular updates and articles.

Please bring a journal, an open mind, and experiences to share. Classes are $15-$20 sliding scale. Topics of discussion include:

*The importance of plant medicine
*In-depth focus on individual herbs and ailments
*Body systems (nervous system, digestive system...)
*Herbal traditions around the world (Ayurveda, Chinese, Native American...)
*The doctrine of signatures
*The politics of pharmaceuticals vs. natural medicine
*Support and guidance for those who wish to treat themselves or others naturally
*Face and tongue analysis
*Flower Essences
*The roots of illness
*Why we owe it to ourselves and the planet to heal with plant medicine
*Trouble shooting: how do I know which herbs are right for me?

If you plan on attending, please RSVP so that we may have enough seats and handouts ready. Green Blessings! ~Melanie Rose


Chakra Balancing Workshop

Sunday, Dec. 12th
West Roxbury location

This month we're stepping beyond the usual scope of herbal medicine to learn about the chakras.

Chakras are energy centers that relate to different organ systems and different aspects of our being.
This class is for those who are new to working with the chakras and also for those with more experience. The first half of the class will be theoretical, and the second half will be experiential. I will guide you to a state of being able to perceive the different chakras, and then teach you ways to bring them back into balance. Sometimes we need to work energetically to achieve optimal health, and this class will provide you with tools to be able to do chakra work on yourself at any time. We'll also discuss herbs and flower essences that correspond with each chakra. (ok, so I had to slip some herbs in somewhere). ;-)
As usual, please bring a notebook and an open, seeking spirit.
$15-$20 sliding scale From 2-4:30ish
I'm really looking forward to teaching this class!!!! Blessings, Melanie


Herbs to Soothe the Soul

Sunday, October 10th
2:00- 4:30PM
West Roxbury location
$15-20 sliding scale

This Sunday we are gathering to discuss
nervous system imbalances:

And we'll sample and review herbs to address these different conditions.
Of course, we'll also talk about lifestyle changes, stress management, diet,
and figure out how we can return to operating at our resonant pace! Whew.

Come join us as we sip on calming teas and unwind from life's stresses.

Please bring a notebook and RSVP to let me know you're coming.

The address is 162 Willow St. #2
West Roxbury, MA 02132

Health and Blessings,


Herbs for the Nervous System

Herbs for the Nervous System
Sun. Aug. 22nd
West Roxbury, MA (my place)
$15-$20 sliding scale

As I look around the city, I'm seeing a brilliant show of Queen Ann's Lace, Blue Vervain, and Purple Loosestrife flowers. Interestingly enough, all these plants are associated with 6th and 7th chakra activity, and I wonder what this time of year is spiritually communicating with us. (Perhaps this could lead to a great discussion?)

For our next gathering we are going to focus on herbs for the nervous system, which will include nervines and adaptogens. These are herbs that help to calm and strengthen the nervous system, help our bodies become highly adaptable to whatever life brings us, helping us to move forward with balance and energy.

Also, we are going to decant our herbal tinctures that we made the previous month.
For those of you who attended, you'll also get to take home a tincture of yarrow, mullein, or elder.

Please bring a notebook, and your open, seeking spirits. And please forward this on to any friends who might be interested in attending.
We'll be sampling many teas and tinctures and getting blissed out on nervine tonics. ;-) Stress be gone!

Many green blessings,

~Melanie Rose

ps. as always, please RSVP before class. Peace.



Harvesting Wild Plants:
Saturday, June 19th
My place in West Roxbury
From 2-4ish
Cost is $20 per person
(includes costs of supplies)

*If it rains, we'll hold a class indoors. The subject is yet to be determined

Greetings Herbal Enthusiasts,

It's time to get together and do a little hands-on wildcrafting of local, medicinal plants.
I've found a wonderful place in Dedham just 10 minutes from where I live. The best way for us
to meet up is for everyone to come to my place, and then we'll carpool/caravan from there.

Many herbs are ready to be picked. Yarrow is coming up, mullein, elderflowers, and many more.
Let's go see what we can find. I'll teach you about ethical harveseting, and the how to's and when to's.
Depending on what we find, we'll make an herbal oil, or a tincture. When the medicine is ready in
about 6 weeks, I'll make sure everyone who helped out gets the finished product.

Please wear appropriate clothing, as the grass could be up to our knees in some areas. Bring a natural
bug repellent just in case. And if you have a basket you'd like to bring for gathering plants, please bring it.
I have 2 baskets, so if we have 2 or 3 more, that should be enough.

I'm really looking forward to our next gathering. As usual, call me or email me to let me know if you're coming.
When I hear back from you, I'll send you my address.

Green Blessings!

~Melanie Rose


Herbal Healing Circle: Introduction to Herbalism

Herbal Healing Circle: Introduction to Herbalism

Introduction to Herbalism

Sat., April 3rd
2:30-4:30 PM
53 Prince St.
Jamaica Plain

If you're interested in learning about herbalism, here is a good place to start.
After this class you should have enough foundation to join in future classes.

Topics of discussion will include:
*History of Herbalism
*Herbal Classifications
*Tinctures, infusions, decoctions...
*Common and useful plants
*Preparing herbs at home

Please bring a notebook and your inner green man or green goddess. And please RSVP so that we have enough handouts.



Tea Tasting: Learning from Direct Experience

Tea Tasting: Learning from Direct Experience
Sat. Feb. 27th 2-4PM
53 Prince St., Jamaica Plain
Sliding Scale $12-$20
RSVP by email or phone call

How did the great medicine people of the past know which plants were used for which condition?
One way was by
deeply tuning into a plant, its taste, and perceiving its effects on the body, mind and spirit.

In this class we're going to be tasting some "mystery" teas with the hopes of discovering their medicinal properties.
That is, we'll be sitting with the herbal tea, smelling it, tasting it, and tuning in. The herbs sampled will be revealed
at the end of the class. We will all be able to discuss our perceptions of the plants and their possible therapeutic actions.

This is a great way to fine tune your inner senses and get in touch with the subtle
tastes of herbs and how they affect different
organs and body systems.

This class is for beginners and advanced students alike.
