The Herbal Healing Circle is a monthly meeting of souls who wish to learn and share about plant medicine in its myriad of forms. Each class will begin with a different topic and will end with questions and group discussion. There will be handouts, herbal sampling, and occasional homework. The class is located in West Roxbury, MA, unless a medicinal herb walk has been scheduled...then we'll venture out to nearby fields and hold the class outdoors. To get directions and a schedule of upcoming classes, please send me an email and I'll add you onto the mailing list. You can also check this webpage for regular updates and articles.

Please bring a journal, an open mind, and experiences to share. Classes are $15-$20 sliding scale. Topics of discussion include:

*The importance of plant medicine
*In-depth focus on individual herbs and ailments
*Body systems (nervous system, digestive system...)
*Herbal traditions around the world (Ayurveda, Chinese, Native American...)
*The doctrine of signatures
*The politics of pharmaceuticals vs. natural medicine
*Support and guidance for those who wish to treat themselves or others naturally
*Face and tongue analysis
*Flower Essences
*The roots of illness
*Why we owe it to ourselves and the planet to heal with plant medicine
*Trouble shooting: how do I know which herbs are right for me?

If you plan on attending, please RSVP so that we may have enough seats and handouts ready. Green Blessings! ~Melanie Rose


Mushroom Medicine 2/23/2012

Mushroom Medicine
@The Boston School of Herbal Studies
Thursday, Feb. 23rd
$25 per person

taught by Melanie Rose
*more information to come


Wild Medicine Foraging
Sunday, July 24th
$30 per person

For more detailed information, please visit the Herbal Healing Circle Facebook page, and click on "events".

Thank you and many healing blessings, Melanie Rose


Medicinal Plant Walk- Sunday, May 22nd

It's time for our first medicinal plant walk of the year. We're getting a late start, but now we'll see many wild medicinals and edibles in their glory. We'll discuss history, botany, fun facts, when to harvest.....etc.
The South Street entrance is where we meet, but we'll be hiking thru the Bussey Creek Meadow, which is right across the street.
Bring a friend, bring children, pass it on!
This is a great way to learn about our local environment and to realize all the treasures we have growing right around us.

Sunday, May 22nd
The cost is $10-$15 sliding scale.
Children under 5 are free.
Dogs are welcome.

ps. The end time listed is 11:30, but I've been known to go over. :-)

A rain date will be posted if need be. Aho!


Accessing the Wisdom of your Soul

There is a wise teacher, friend, and guide that resides in all of us. When we tap into the wisdom of this teacher and follow its guidance, we experience a life that is centered, clear, and in flow. This class will serve as an introduction to accessing the wisdom of our soul.

This is a special opportunity to learn with Jay Hovenesian- intuitive facilitator.

Class fee is $20
April 9th, 2-4:30

*For more information, visit us on facebook: Herbal Healing Circle
and click on the "events" tab. Happy Spring!!!


Natural Body Care with Linda Patterson

Sunday, February 20th
1:00-4:00 PM
$25 per person
West Roxbury, MA
RSVP 617-755-8063
Come and explore the secrets of creating natural lotions and bath salts with Master Herbalist and Aromatherapist, Linda Patterson.

Our cosmetic industry allows thousands of carcinogens into our beauty care products. Learn to make them successfully at home without the harsh ingredients.

We will be discussing natural ingredients and their benefits as well as the different essential oils that are specific to the skin. There will be an overview of aromatherapy, the European method of blending essential oils, and discussion on what determines quality and why it's so important.

This is a great opportunity to study with Linda, who is a dynamic and unforgettable teacher. All participants will leave with a jar of lotion and bath salts to enjoy at home!

The cost of this workshop is $20 + $5 materials fee.
We need a minimum of 6 people to sign up and a maximum of 12 can come. So sign up in advance! It's first come first serve.

Happy New Year, and Green Blessings

Linda's website is:


Herbs and Yoga for Digestion

Sat. January, 22
$15-20 sliding scale
West Roxbury, MA

In this class, we are exploring herbs that help to strengthen digestion. Great digestion means that we are assimilating/absorbing our nutrients, enhancing vitality, and digesting our life experiences. We will also explore yogic techniques to strengthen the 3rd chakra, which governs digestion. We'll have an open discussion to determine what might be the best herbs for you to work with, and might be the causes for digestive imbalances in our lives. Bring a journal, wear comfortable clothing, and come with an open mind and seeking spirit. Please RSVP and until we meet again, Green Blessings!